This is the most recent quarterly report detailing the temperature and humidity in York for 2024 Q4 (October to December), using our own custom remote monitoring devices, we track three months of local climatic measurements focusing seasonal variances in comparison with other meteorological periods of the year.
We track, graph and explain indoor and outdoor hygrometer readings throughout this quarter in which temperatures decreased throughout the moving into the deep midwinter months. We evaluate details, averages, highs and lows seen across the period. This is a quarter where temperatures fell, at a time of year when issues with Boiler Pressure Dropping, often linked to water leaks, leads to increased demand from customers locally.
Past data reports we have produced are in a separate hygrometer section of our blog – you can see last quarter’s 2024 Q3 Report – Temperature and Humidity in York report
Table of Contents
Let’s start with the headline figures and a summary for 2024 Q4:
- 2024 Q4 was noticeably colder in York, with average outdoor temperature at 8.7°C
- This was more so in mid to late November and into December
- As expected for this time of year, temperatures only peaking in the mid-teens
- The highest outdoor temperature in York was 17.0°C and the minimum was -4.7°C
- The high temperature occurred on October 7th in the afternoon period
- This gives an outdoor range (between high and low) of 21.7°C
- The average inside temperature was at 18.0°C, higher than outside as expected
- The maximum indoor temperature in York was 20.6°C and the minimum was 15.2°C
- The high was on the Morning of 21st October aided by central heating kicking in
- This highlights a noticeable difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures
- This means an indoor range of just 4.4°C which is considerably narrower vs outdoor
Hygrometer Temperature Trends – 2024 Q4
The graph trend above shows the comprehensive, detailed readings taken over the full quarter, from which the 2024 Q4 highs, lows, range and averages were tracked. It shows daily variances and changes in temperature with highs commonly during the day and lows during the night. As we covered earlier, this period saw gradual lowering in temperatures as we got into November 2024 in particular.
On this chart, you can definitely see the outdoor temperature low in mid to late November, dipping below freezing. Although, October and December where somewhat milder in comparison..
It is really interesting to see how, in comparison to the outdoor readings on the chart (shown in blue) are more erratic than the indoor readings (shown in red) which are in a much narrower band of temperatures, although clearly, having central heating running controlled by an electronic thermostat aids this.
We discuss this somewhat in our article about stopping mould on walls
Humidity in York – 2024 Q4
Here are the salient points from the humidity levels from York in 2024 Q4:
- 2024 Q4 had an average outside relative humidity of 86.6%
- This is noticeably higher then those recorded in Q3
- The highest outdoor humidity in York was 99% and the minimum was 64%
- This leads to an outdoor range (between high and low) of 35%
- As we know, colder air has a lower capacity to hold moisture
- The average indoor relative humidity was, as seen before, lower at 59.6%
- The lowest indoor humidity in York was 43% and the highest was 70%
- This calculates to an indoor range of 27% which is also lower than outdoors
On this, see our guide detailing Condensation Problems, which is commonly linked to humidity.
Hygrometer Humidity Trends – 2024 Q4
The trended data chart above shows the informative data from which 2024 Q4 highs, lows, range and averages were calculated. Outdoor relative humidity was consistently higher across the quarter but rarely overlapped the indoor levels which were lower.
Regarding moisture and water leaks, please see our guide to Trace and Access Services in York
Temperature Ranges in York – 2024 Q4
As you can see in the bar chart above, the inside temperature readings taken from the hygrometer measurements for 2024 Q4 are very closely grouped with over 50% of the readings being at 18-19°C (rounded to the nearest degree). In a noticeable variance, the outside readings are definitely more widespread and diverse.
This is also mirrored somewhat similarly with the comparable humidity level readings, with indoor often being lower most often and not getting anywhere near the maximum readings seen outside. There’s minimal overlap between the two sets of data readings recorded over the winter 2024 period..
Temperature and Humidity by Time of Day – 2024 Q4
The ultimate set of useful recorded points for 2024 Q4 compares at how various times of day affect outdoor readings taken by the hygrometer data trackers. The four familiar groups are:
- Morning – 6am to Noon
- Afternoon – Noon to 6pm
- Evening – 6pm to Midnight
- Night – Midnight to 6am
As you’d usually expect to see in winter as the heat builds up slowly during the day, the afternoon was commonly the warmer part of the day (although that is relative!) in York during 2024 Q4 with the night and following morning being the colder, with evening readings generally hotter on average vs mornings.
We can assist you with the following:
- Biohazard Cleaning in York
- Damage Management in York
- Fire Damage in York
- Flood Damage in York
- Commercial Leak Detection in York
Temperature and Humidity Measurement – Other Useful Info
Here are a few other posts related to this particular subject that you may find useful to view:
- Dishwasher Leaks
- Water Leak Repairs
- Washing Machine Leaking
- Christmas Mould Safety
- Christmas Flood Safety
If you have a water leak contact and are interested in our trace and access services within Yorkshire our local friendly and experienced team for help.
What was the temperature in York in Q4 2024?
There were interesting variances comparing temperatures in York for the fourth and final quarter of 2024 with November actually being the coldest month (lowest reading). The highest temperature locally was 17.0 degrees Celsius with an average for the overall month of 8.7 degrees. The readings were taken by our own regional York weather monitoring station in the outskirts of York (not in the city centre).
At Rainbow Restoration – York & Yorkshire Coast we are experts in Leak Detection, including business or commercial water leaks, so if you need help finding a water leak or getting your property back to normal after a water damage or a flood, get in touch with our friendly local team who will be happy to help you with this. We are based in York and help with leak detection services in York.