This is the first of a new report we are trialling which, using our remote monitoring equipment, we track a full month of weather focusing on the relative humidity and temperature in York, starting with July 2023.
In this report, we will compare indoor and outdoor hygrometer readings throughout the month and pick out some of the highlights, averages, highs and lows seen across the month during July 2023. These readings are similar to those taken with our damp and moisture meter readings.
Historical reports we have produced are in a separate hygrometer section of our blog. You can see the report for the following month in our August 2023 Temperature and Humidity in York report.
Table of Contents
Let’s start with the headline figures and a summary:
- July 2023 was a relatively cool month in York, with average outdoor temperature at just 17.6°C
- The maximum outdoor temperature in York was 27.1°C and the minimum was 11.2°C
- This gives an outdoor range (between the top and bottom) of 15.9°C
- The average indoor temperature was slightly higher at 21.4°C
- The maximum indoor temperature in York was 24.5°C and the minimum was 19.5°C
- This gives an indoor range of just 5°C which is much narrower
Hygrometer Temperature Trends – July 2023
The chart above shows the full data set from which the July 2023 highs, lows, range and averages were calculated. As you can see, it shows the daily cycles of temperature variances with (as you would expect) highs during the day and lows overnight. Such information is valuable for us providing water damage repairs in York as it can especially have implications for drying properties.
Again, you can see that although the indoor temperatures were on average slightly higher, they were within the highs and lows outside. Which is to be expected in an insulated modern property. That said, the trends of warmer and colder days in York in July 2023 generally follows for indoors and outdoors. You can see the outdoor temperature peak on 7th July 2023.
Humidity in York – July 2023
Here are the headlines from the relative humidity readings from York in July 2023:
- July 2023 had an average outdoor relative humidity of 64.8%
- The maximum outdoor humidity in York was 92% and the minimum was 36°C
- This gives an outdoor range (between the top and bottom) of 56%
- You will notice that the lowest humidity happened when temperatures were higher
- As we have said previously, warm air has a higher capacity to hold moisture
- Therefore as temperature rises, relative humidity falls (all other things being equal)
- The average indoor relative humidity was slightly lower at 56.2%
- The maximum indoor humidity in York was 79% and the minimum was 43%
- This gives an indoor range of just 36% which is narrower
On the topic of temperatures, see our article explaining thermal imaging leak detection in York.
Hygrometer Humidity Trends – July 2023
The graph above shows the trended data set from which the July 2023 highs, lows, range and averages were calculated. The outdoor relative humidity is higher in general in part because temperatures are lower but also because it is more exposed to / susceptible to rain, which can increase humidity too.
Interestingly, you will notice an increase in indoor relative humidity around 22nd July 2023. This was actually caused by an occupant of the property using a steam iron in the same room as the hygrometer was taking readings. We talk about things like this in our informative article helping with how to reduce humidity in homes.
Temperature Ranges in York – July 2023
Earlier we referenced the comparison between indoor and outdoor temperature ranges in July 2023 and the two chart above help to highlight this further. As you can see, the outdoor (top chart) readings were in a wider range than the equivalent indoor (bottom chart) readings.
The chart below helps to explain this further:
As you can see, the indoor temperature readings taken from the hygrometer readings for July 2023, the indoor temperature readings are closely clustered with over 40% of the temperature readings being at 20°C (the numbers are rounded to the nearest degree). In contrast, the outdoor readings are far more widely distributed.
This is repeated accordingly with the relative humidity readings:
Temperature and Humidity by Time of Day – July 2023
The final set of interesting data for July ’23 looks at how the different times of day affect both indoor and outdoor readings taken by the hygrometer data logs. The four groups are:
- Morning – 6am to Noon
- Afternoon – Noon to 6pm
- Evening – 6pm to Midnight
- Night – Midnight to 6am
As you would likely expect, generally the afternoon was the hottest part of the day in York during July 2023 with the night-time being the coolest, morning and evening were remarkably similar, with evening readings being fractionally warmer on average. This was largely reversed for relative humidity for the reasons stated earlier.
As mentioned earlier, these readings were taken using a set of our remote monitoring equipment with 100% uptime during the month. For more information, see this useful video summary:
Remote monitoring can help with the following:
- Damage Management in York
- Damp and Mould Problems in York
- Flood Damage in York
- Water Damage Services in York
- Leak Detection in York
Temperature and Humidity Measurement – Other Useful Information
Here are a few other similar guides related to this particular subject that you may find useful to see too:
- Thermal Imaging Leak Detection
- Damp on Walls Causes
- Leak Under House
- Bath Leaking Through Ceiling
- Mould on Walls
If you have a water leak contact and are interested in our trace and access services in Yorkshire our local friendly and experienced team for help.
What was the temperature in York in July 2023?
For a summer month, the temperature and humidity in York were somewhat different to what you would expect at that time of year. It was a generally cooler month with maximum temperatures recorded locally as 27.1 degrees Celsius with an average for the full month of 17.6 degrees. These readings were taken by our own local York weather monitoring station in the suburbs of York (not the centre).
At Rainbow Restoration – York & Yorkshire Coast we are experts in Leak Detection, including business water leaks, so if you need help finding a water leak or getting your property back to normal after a water damage or a flood, get in touch with our friendly local team who will be happy to help you with this. We are based in York and help with leak detection in York.